Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mossy Moose

There is a healthy population of moose in the Lake City area.  This bull moose was so intent on eating willow bushes and the mossy vegetation in this beaver pond that he didn't seem to mind me sneaking up on him to snap a few pictures.  I had an escape route in mind though in case he changed his mind and charged.

Smiling for the camera

Getting after some willow branches

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lake City Evenings

When I am not on the water, I love to take in the mountains as the evening light begins to fade.

Lake San Cristobal on late May evening

Lake San Cristobal on a mid-June evening

Looking back toward Lake City and Crystal Peak

Friday, January 30, 2015

Starting the Season

After hitting a wedding in Dallas, I hopped on the road back to Lake City to get back in time for the start of the summer fly fishing season (in mid-June as the spring runoff begins to subside).

I couldn't get through Dallas without sitting in traffic with my car in park.  Fortunately, traffic jams in Lake City mean animals are crossing the road or you are behind one other car.

The mountains emerge on the horizon at sunset on my drive up

Lake San Cristobal: my morning view in Lake City

My office for the summer: Dan's Fly Shop in Lake City, Colorado

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Early Season Fishing

I was only in Lake City for a few days at the end of May before making it back to Dallas for a wedding, but I made those days count by getting out on the water for all of them.

Mitchell with a really big, really old brown

The Revenge Run crew chasing down a monster
Doubled up!
Amazing colors on this 'bow

I had a couple hogs on this gigantic streamer on around Lake City.  Somehow, all of them got away.  I included a smaller wooly bugger for comparison.

Headed back to Texas with the sun setting behind me

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Starting the Summer in Lake City

Toward the end of May, I set out for Lake City from Durango.  The drive, as always, was gorgeous, and I was greeted by one of my favorite views when I got there.

Between Durango and Pagosa Springs

The clouds over Pagosa looked like they were from a painting

Approaching Wolf Creek Pass

Wolf Creek Pass

Wolf Creek still had plenty of snow to ski if you were willing to hike for it

Between South Fork and Creede


First evening of the summer in Lake City