Showing posts with label Fish Selfie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish Selfie. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

Fishing the San Juan in the Fall

After helping close up the cabin for the winter and getting some time on the water, I went to the river that got me hooked on catching big fish: the San Juan River in New Mexico--just south of Durango.  The weather varied from cold and dreary with light rain to cool and sunny, but the weather was good to great each day.  I fished five days and landed at least one fish 20 inches or bigger every day except the last one.  That last day I hooked a fish so big I was convinced I was hung before he took off on a run and straightened my hook.  Maybe I'll get him next time.

Still some beautiful fall colors in Durango at the end of October
Pretty rainbow on a pretty day on the San Juan

20-inch 'bow...

...he was chubby
Fall colors on an overcast day on the San Juan

Smiling rainbow and me

21-incher, if not bigger

Sunset on the last day of my long summer of fly fishing